Need a boost of self-confidence? Give boudoir a try! Discover Ms. C’s story about how a boudoir session changed her perspective.
Getting married soon? Here are 5 reasons why adding a bridal boudoir photoshoot to your wedding to-do list is a move you won’t regret – nor will your spouse!
Who are you? How do you see yourself? How do you introduce yourself to new people? For women, so often our identities are wrapped up in our roles – wife, mother, employee, lover, snack-getter, grocery-shopper, etc. And while those roles certainly shape our identities, we are more than the sum of those roles. That’s what […]
Let’s be honest…date nights are hard enough to get on the calendar, so you need to maximize each one! A boudoir shoot with your significant other will get you both out of your comfort zones – and closer to each other – as you rediscover how to be playful and have fun! So you might […]
One of my favorite parts about being a boudoir photographer is that every shoot and every client is totally unique and different. It’s so much fun seeing you transform into a confident badass in front of the camera! But if you’ve never had a boudoir shoot, there may be a few things that surprise you! […]
Can we get real here, friends? One of the reasons I became a boudoir photographer is that I wanted women just like you to see just how freaking amazing you are. I wanted you to look beyond what you see in the mirror and see what I see from the camera. I wanted you to […]
Tired of sitting on the boudoir sidelines and ready to get into the rodeo ring? Meet Miss L and learn more about why she chose to celebrate herself with a shoot with Lynn Dee Photography!
Romance novels and rom-com movies talk about falling in love with that “special someone”…but few of them actually focus on the most important kind of love – loving yourself! We were honored to be a part of Miss S’s journey to healing. Read on to hear her story and see how gorgeous she is! Introducing…Miss […]
A breakdown on body positivity and how to incorporate practices into your life to increase your self-esteem and self-image. Please be aware that I am not a medical professional. This post is simply from my knowledge and experiences with the women I’ve worked with. Body positivity can be a triggering subject, so please use your […]
Has your confidence declined since lockdown? I think it’s safe to say that for many of us, our answer would be “yes”, and that’s okay! It makes sense. Our world has changed, which means our lifestyles have changed too. Many of us are working from home now and can’t remember the last time we did […]